Cancer Prevention

Nuts in a dish ready for a heart-healthy snack

Nuts for Heart Health: What’s the Best Advice on How They Can Help?

If walking is your preferred form of exercise, you can set goals for activity level based on steps

Is 10,000 Steps the Best Goal for Activity Level? Research Update

Women want to know about how dietary choices, like boosting fiber, may lower risk of breast cancer

Fiber and Breast Cancer Risk: What You Need To Know Now

plant-based diets are recommended to reduce cancer risk: a review of options to meet individual preferences

Plant-Based Diets and Cancer Prevention: Interpreting the Science

Snacking trends: Are Snacks Replacing Meals?

Are Snacks Replacing Meals? Tips You Need for Healthy Snacking

Olive oil polyphenols and the type of fat in olive oil make it good for heart health

Olive Oil Polyphenols: Are They the Heart of Health Benefits?